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Associazione Musicale Coro di Vico Alto Siena
Associazione Musicale Coro di Vico Alto
Viale Vittorio Emanuele II 2A 53100 Siena
Telephone 0577 34.84.12
Mobile phone: 347 95.99.375
Where: corovicoalto@corovicoalto.it
Website: http://www.corovicoalto.it
Business card (vCard)
Since 1984, the Association organizes an annual review of polyphonic choirs, an event that has enabled hundreds of choirs from other regions to perform in Siena in 1996 founded the International Festival of Choirs, now in its third edition, in which Italian and foreign choirs will perform in the most diverse repertoire (polyphony, gospel music, oratorio, opera, mountain songs, spirituals).
The intense concert activity in Italy and abroad, which enabled him to present some works in collaboration with other talented musicians and instrumental ensemble. Recall from the opera La Traviata, Lucia di Lammermoor, Tosca, Madama Butterfly, L'Elisir d'amore, the maid mistress
The Telephone, The choirmaster, Rita, Macbeth performed in scenic form. Opera and oratorio concerts between the recall and Rossini's Stabat Mater by Pergolesi, Mozart's Requiem, Schubert's Masses different, Perosi, Dvorak, as well as the execution of former and contemporary music.