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Pubblica Assistenza di Siena Siena
Pubblica Assistenza di Siena
Viale Mazzini, 95 53100 Siena
Telephone 0577 46180
Fax 0577.43113
Website: http://www.pubblicaassistenzasiena.it/
Business card (vCard)
The Association has no-profit, all income and expenses are presented to shareholders and the financial statements are public resources are reinvested in the business to offer better services.
The main activities of the Association are:
emergency medical service available 24 hours with 24 ambulances equipped, normal postage, blood transport, transport social withdrawal breast milk, sanitary, ultrasound and physiotherapy clinic, outpatient social helpline, self help, psychological counter, civil protection , international solidarity, recreational and cultural activities, organization of first aid courses open to the citizens.