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019 Tarsia pavimentale del Transetto destro - Sette età dell'uomo Siena
Artist: Antonio Federighi
Year: 1475
Current location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
Original location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
In front of the Chapel of the rating are four panels, including one completely filled with geometric shapes around a lily, followed by a pattern of hexagons with six diamond in the center, framed by a frieze with dolphins addressed and a decorative track. Here are the representations of the Seven Ages of Man (Childhood, Childhood, Adolescence, Youth, Manhood and Old Age; diamond in the center decrepitude), represented by a man whole and a floral pattern, except the decrepitude that walks with the crutches to an open grave. Diestro each figure is an inscription in capital inscriptions indicating the various age groups. These works were completely rebuilt in 1869-1878 by Leopoldo Maccari and Joseph Radicchi, replacing the originals designed by Antonio Federighi and now in the Museum of the Opera del Duomo. The Federighi had been paid for pitching the final scenes of the April 24, 1475.
019 Tarsia pavimentale del Transetto destro - Sette età dell'uomo