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037 Tarsia pavim. riquadro sopra l'esagono - Storia di Mosè sul Sinai Siena
Artist: Domenico di Niccolò dei cori
Year: 1531
Current location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
Original location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
The story is told in six parts, integrated into one great scene. This marquetry are still original cartons that are exposed in the Pinacoteca Nazionale di Siena, thanks to donation from the family Spannocchi. In the top center of the work, on a rock representing Mount Sinai, Moses receives the Tablets of the Law kneeling across a gap circular opening in the sky.
Bottom center, Moses raises his boards over his head for scgliarle sending her to the ground in pieces. Meanwhile in fact the people of Israel disobeyed him because the elders of Israel, in the top left, trying to convince Aaron to give Israel a new divinity. This is done in the lower register, where the Israelites left spilling gold and jewels on the fire forging the golden calf that you see to the right, the people here loves it, angering Moses is just down from the mountain where he had the divine revelation . Top sinners are points with the plague, dying spasms (Exodus 32, 27-28).
037 Tarsia pavim. riquadro sopra l'esagono - Storia di Mosè sul Sinai