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001 Tarsia pavimentale della navata destra - Sibilla Delfica Siena
Artist: Giovanni di Stefano
Year: 1482
Current location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
Original location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
The first Sibyl is located in front of the door to the right of the facade and is the work of the stonemasons Giuliano di Biagio and Vito di Marco (about 1482), with major renovations in 1866-1869, being very worn because of its location. The design is attributed by Carli Giovanni di Stefano, son of Sassetta, or Antonio Federighi. It is draped in a complex way and has a static pose, while his right holds a scroll with the words ipsum tuum cognosce deum filius east of here ("Know your God Himself, who is the Son of God"), an allusion to the second divine nature. Under the word you see a sphinx with open wings. With the left hand he holds a horn decorated with either of the flames. Beneath his feet, a scroll it shows the name and the fact that it is mentioned by Chrysippus.
001 Tarsia pavimentale della navata destra - Sibilla Delfica