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004 Tarsia pavimentale della navata destra - Sibilla Eritrea Siena
Artist: Antonio Federighi
Year: 1482
Current location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
Original location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
This native of Sybil is said Erythre, in Lydia in Asia Minor (and not in the African region). For his figure was paid Antonio Federighi July 19, 1482, and is now almost completely rebuilt. Nothing, however, recalls the style of the Sienese sculptor, if not the signature at the foot of the lectern. Lattanzio attributes to the famous acrostic announcing the coming of Christ, reported in the Sibylline Books. Here you paint like a high noble lady, the rather severe demeanor, the elegant dress and a hat very curious that the end part of the face. The right hand holds a closed volume, while the left is supported by an open book, supported by carved lectern. On the pages of this book is this phrase: de excelso caelorum has bitaculo pro spexit dominus et humiles suos nascitur in diebus no vissimis de virgine habraea in cunabulis terrae ("Dall'eccelsa abode of heaven God has turned his gaze on his humble servants; born in the last days of a virgin Jewish in the cradle of the earth "), seen as a prophecy of the birth of Jesus
004 Tarsia pavimentale della navata destra - Sibilla Eritrea