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023 Tarsia pavimentale dell'Esagono centrale - Elia resuscita il figlio della vedova Siena
Artist: Alessandro Franchi
Year: 1878
Current location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
Original location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
After the death of the widow's son, following an illness, Elijah resurrects the woman to demonstrate the power of God's prophet is represented, consistent with the biblical text, while relaxing on the child by invoking the Lord (I Kings, 17, 21). The inlay, designed by Alessandro Franchi shows a representation consisting of the tragedy, with the barren environment of the room the child well adapted to the intense and measured at the same time laying the Prophet in prayer.
023 Tarsia pavimentale dell'Esagono centrale - Elia resuscita il figlio della vedova