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031 Tarsia pavimentale dell'Esagono centrale - Elia predice la morte di Acab Siena
Artist: Alessandro Franchi
Year: 1878
Current location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
Original location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
King Ahab went to war and get some wins. Commits a serious crime but killing Nachab, owner ofa nearby vineyard to his palace, with the aim of usurpargliela. At that Elijah predicted his imminent death, the scene shows the king prostrated at the feet of the prophet (I Kings 21: 21-22). This is perhaps the most emotional scenes drawn by the Franks and is characterized, like his other hexagons, in white, yellow and blue used for mosaics, on which were dug furrows in which to enter the pitch black, the traditional technique.
031 Tarsia pavimentale dell'Esagono centrale - Elia predice la morte di Acab