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Sacra Famiglia con San Giovannino Siena
Artist: Marco Pino
Year: XVI secolo
Current location: Museo di San Donato - Collezione di Banca MPS
diam. 59.5 cm
The composition of the painting revolves around the relaxed and boldly foreshortened figure of the sleeping Child whose small but robust limbs intertwine with elegant and complicated movements in the arms of the Mother. The powerful construction of the figures, which is accompanied by the adoption of liquid and vibrant colors, which light up the composition of unrealistic and disturbing passages of light, indicates the combination of our painting with the imaginative and fantastic compositions elaborated by Domenico Beccafumi around the fourth. fifth decade of the sixteenth century. The painting was created in these years by Marco Pino, one of the most gifted and original interpreters of the style of the great Sienese painter: moving from the lesson of Domenico Beccafumi, in his paintings Marco Pino reveals a marked predilection for the insistent plasticism of the figures, deliberately highlighted and emphasized by the continuous accentuation of the chiaroscuro contrasts; the love for the bold, foreshortened poses of the bodies of the individual characters also indicate a different, passionate adherence to the formal complications of Manner's painting.
Sacra Famiglia con San Giovannino